serve church

Top 5 Opportunities to Serve 

Kids Camp Volunteers 

When: July 8-12
Who: Teens & Adults
What: a variety of roles available both up front and behind the scenes. 

The more volunteers we have, the more kids we can reach! We are in need of 30 more volunteers for Kids Camp. 

Sign up: Kids Camp Leader Application

Youth lifegroup Leader 

When: Weekly on Thursday evenings from September to June. 
What: discipling a group of middle school or high school students. 

Request a form here

REVive childcare (women's bible study)

When: Wednesdays 9am - 11am during Women’s Revive Bible study. September to May.
What: Childcare weekly or bimonthly. 


livestream tech

When: Sunday mornings. Once a month (or more).
What: People to mix audio from an iPad as well as run cameras for the livestream. 

Apply here

starfish backpack

When: Wednesday evenings to pack bags. Thursday mornings to pack bags and/or deliver bags.
What: Packing or delivering bags of groceries to kids/youth in need in the community.
